What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Avocado Every Day

What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Avocado Every Day Can an avocado a day keep your health at bay? What does the research have to say? Native to the warmer regions of Mexico and Central America, avocados–originally referred to as aguacate or alligator pears–are fruits unlike any other. Avocados are characterized by a large central seed surrounded by a uniquely smooth and creamy green flesh that is encased by a rough outer skin. Botanically, they are actually berries! However, their nutritional profile does not reflect that of a berry. These exceptional fruits contain the highest amount of fat, calories and protein of any fruit. They also boast a fair share of fiber, potassium, magnesium, B vitamins (such as folate), vitamin E and carotenoids, among others. It's no wonder avocado consumption has increased dramatically worldwide. Not only are they packed full of nutrients, but the buttery, slightly nutty flavor is hard to resist. However, their high caloric and fat content

Alcohol Use Disorder

Alcohol Use Disorder

What Is Alcohol Use Disorder?

Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a long-term brain condition in which you can’t stop or control your drinking even though it’s hurting your social life, your job, or your health.

It’s a range that includes alcohol abuse, which is when drinking has serious consequences again and again. It also includes alcohol dependence or alcoholism, which is when you’ve lost control of your drinking. Learn more about the symptoms of alcohol abuse.

How much alcohol is too much?

If you’re going to drink, experts recommend doing it “in moderation.” This means no more than one drink a day if you're a woman and no more than two if you're a man. One drink equals:

1.5 ounces of liquor (like whisky, rum, or tequila)

5 ounces of wine

12 ounces of beer

Another way to look at your drinking habits is to think about how much you have during an average week. For women, "heavy" or "at risk" drinking means more than seven drinks per week or more than three in any day. For men, it's more than 14 drinks in a week or more than four in a day.

Alcohol Use Disorder Symptoms

An estimated 16 million people -- adults and adolescents -- in the U.S. have alcohol use disorder.

The signs of AUD can include:

An uncontrollable urge to drink

Lack of control over how much you drink

Negative thoughts when you're not drinking alcohol

Drinking in risky situations

Drinking that interferes with things you enjoy

Continuing to drink even though it causes problems or makes them worse

Stopping important activities or doing them less often because of alcohol

There are mild, moderate, and severe forms of AUD, which depend on how many symptoms you have. You may have AUD if one or more of these statements is true:

  • You can't relax or fall asleep without drinking.

  • You need a drink in the morning to get going.

  • To be social, you have to drink.

  • Alcohol serves as your escape from feelings.

  • After drinking, you drive.

  • You mix alcohol and medications.

  • You drink when you're pregnant or caring for small children.

  • When loved ones ask how much you drink, you don't tell the truth.

  • You hurt people or become angry when you drink.

  • It's tough for you to remember what you did when you were drinking.

  • Your responsibilities suffer because of your drinking.

  • Drinking has caused you legal problems.

  • You tried to stop drinking but failed.

  • You can't stop thinking about drinking.

  • To feel the effects of alcohol, you have to drink more and more.

  • You have withdrawal symptoms after you stop drinking for too long, like shakiness, nausea, trouble sleeping, or seizures



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  2. Stella slips momentarily from William’s arms. She tiptoes to­ward a small wooden chest. From the top drawer, she retrieves a delicate h논산출장샵andkerchief with a single violet embroidered in its center. With materials in the city now so scarce, she has had to use the dark blue thread from her skirt’s hem to stitch the tiny flower on a swatch of white cotton cut from her petticoat.


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