
Showing posts from March 6, 2022

What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Avocado Every Day

What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Avocado Every Day Can an avocado a day keep your health at bay? What does the research have to say? Native to the warmer regions of Mexico and Central America, avocados–originally referred to as aguacate or alligator pears–are fruits unlike any other. Avocados are characterized by a large central seed surrounded by a uniquely smooth and creamy green flesh that is encased by a rough outer skin. Botanically, they are actually berries! However, their nutritional profile does not reflect that of a berry. These exceptional fruits contain the highest amount of fat, calories and protein of any fruit. They also boast a fair share of fiber, potassium, magnesium, B vitamins (such as folate), vitamin E and carotenoids, among others. It's no wonder avocado consumption has increased dramatically worldwide. Not only are they packed full of nutrients, but the buttery, slightly nutty flavor is hard to resist. However, their high caloric and fat content

Does portion control really work for weight loss?

  Portion control  works for weight loss? Portion control is a great method to lose weight and monitor your healthy eating.  This post explains what portion control is and offers tons of tips for how to successfully portion control yourself to healthy!  Portion control is one of the biggest nutrition hacksI’ve found for sticking to a healthy lifestyle, losing weight, and then maintaining my ideal weight.  The idea is to understand what your body needs and just eat to that level.  Oftentimes, either because we feel we have to finish all that’s on our plate or restaurants have pre-determined giant portions, we over-eat, which leads to weight gain. Enter portion control, which helps us to identify what’s in our food and how much we need to consume to meet our goals.  The hang-up for many people when trying lo lose weight, however, is they think they need to drastically reduce the amount of food they’re eating, which isn’t necessarily the case.  My goal in this post is to share how to p

Why you should take white tea

9 Impressive Benefits of White Tea White tea is one of the most delicate tea because it’s minimally processed. It’s harvested before the plant’s leaves open fully and therefore young buds are still covered by fine white hairs. That’s why is called white tea. Carefully processed white tea has a lot of antioxidants, it actually retains a higher amount of antioxidants than green tea. Antioxidants are very important for our health because it protects our cells from damage by free radicals. Free-radical damage can have harmful effects on the body and it’s linked to weak immune system, premature aging, chronic inflammation, weak immune system and other diseases… Not mention that white tea has a delicate light taste, so it will treat your taste buds as well. I’ve discovered white tea while I was researching how to produce more collagen naturally. I found out that white tea is the best among plant extracts that protect collagen and elastin. As many ladies knows collagen is very beneficial for

Why you should Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol Use and Cancer Alcohol use is one of the most important preventable risk factors for cancer, along with tobacco use and excess body weight. Alcohol use accounts for about 6% of all cancers and 4% of all cancer deaths in the United States. Yet many people don’t know about the link between alcohol use and cancer. Cancers linked to alcohol use Alcohol use has been linked with cancers of the: 1.Mouth 2. Throat (pharynx) 3. Voice box (larynx) 4. Esophagus 5. Liver 6. Colon and rectum 7.Breast Alcohol probably also increases the risk of cancer of the stomach, and might affect the risk of some other cancers as well. For each of these cancers, the more alcohol you drink, the higher your cancer risk. But for some types of cancer, most notably breast cancer, consuming even small amounts of alcohol can increase risk. Cancers of the mouth, throat, voice box, and esophagus: Alcohol use clearly raises the risk of these cancers. Drinking and smoking together raises the risk of these can

If you want to become Better Read this now.

You can be whoever you want to be, and live the life of your dreams. The only thing that is keeping you back is yourself and your mind. Once you realize this, you can go as high as your dreams go. Here are 11 atomic habits that will help you do so. 1. Try to be rejected more: Every day, reach out to 1 or 2 people who you'd like to work with (even if you know they won't respond.) You might not hear back at first, but eventually, you will get a response from someone. You got nothing to lose, but potentially a lot to gain. 2. Practice diverting your attention. When you have a self-defeating thought, the solution isn't usually to mull on it until you arrive at a conclusion. You should distract yourself with something productive. Focus on something that helps you, not negative thoughts. 3. Curate your sphere of influence. The people you spend the most time with have a significant impact on who you will become. Take a serious look at people around you and who

8 Best diet for effective weight loss

 8 Best diet for effective weight loss  It’s estimated that nearly half of American adults attempt to lose weight each year (1Trusted Source). One of the best ways to lose weight is by changing your diet. Yet, the sheer number of available diet plans may make it difficult to get started, as you’re unsure which one is most suitable, sustainable, and effective. Some diets aim to curb your appetite to reduce your food intake, while others suggest restricting your intake of calories and either carbs or fat. What’s more, many offer health benefits that go beyond weight loss. Here are the 8 best diet plans to help you shed weight and improve your overall health. 1. Intermittent fasting Intermittent fasting is a dietary strategy that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. Various forms exist, including the 16/8 method, which involves limiting your calorie intake to 8 hours per day, and the 5:2 method, which restricts your daily calorie intake to 500–600 calories twice per week. How it

Do this to keep your mind Sharp at any Age

Do this to keep your mind Sharp at any Ag e Everyone has the occasional "senior moment." Maybe you've gone into the kitchen and can't remember why, or can't recall a familiar name during a conversation. Memory lapses can occur at any age, but aging alone is generally not a cause of cognitive decline. When significant memory loss occurs among older people, it is generally not due to aging but to organic disorders, brain injury, or neurological illness. Studies have shown that you can help prevent cognitive decline and reduce the risk of dementia with some basic good health habits: staying physically active getting enough sleep not smoking having good social connections limiting alcohol to no more than one drink a day eating a Mediterranean style diet. Memory and other cognitive changes can be frustrating, but the good news is that, thanks to decades of research, you can learn how to get your mind active. There are various strategies we can use to

How to enjoy more fulfilling sex

Life How to Enjoy More Fulfilling Sex Whether the problem is big or small, there are many things you can do to get your sex life back on track. Your sexual well-being goes hand in hand with your overall mental, physical, and emotional health. Communicating with yourset partner, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, availing yourself of some of the many excellent self-help materials on the market, and just having fun can help you weather tough times. Enjoying a satisfying sex life Sex. The word can evoke a kaleidoscope of emotions. From love, excitement, and tenderness to longing, anxiety, and disappointment—the reactions are as varied as sexual experiences themselves. What’s more, many people will encounter all these emotions and many others in the course of a sex life spanning several decades. But what is sex, really? On one level, sex is just another hormone-driven bodily function designed to perpetuate the species. Of course, that narrow view underestimates the complexity of t

Know about IWD Now before it is too late

Karl Maria Stadler (1888 – nach 1943), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons History of International Women's Day International Women's Day (IWD) has been observed since the early 1900's - a time of great expansion and turbulence in the industrialized world that saw booming population growth and the rise of radical ideologies. 1908 Great unrest and critical debate was occurring amongst women. Women's oppression and inequality was spurring women to become more vocal and active in campaigning for change. Then in 1908, 15,000 women marched through New York City demanding shorter hours, better pay and voting rights. 1909 In accordance with a declaration by the Socialist Party of America, the first National Woman's Day (NWD) was observed across the United States on February 28. Women continued to celebrate NWD on the last Sunday of February until 1913. 1910 In 1910 a second International Conference of Working Women was held in Copenhagen. A woman named Cla

Boosting metabolism.

What to know about boosting your metabolism Boosting your metabolism has been considered the Holy Grail of weight loss since practically forever. After all, finding a way to crank up your body’s fat-burning power on the reg sounds kind of awesome. It's no wonder metabolism is such a big thing: It’s a process that turns the food you eat into fuel, and powers everything that you do. "Even when you're sleeping, your body requires energy for things like breathing and repairing cell damage," Donald Hensrud, MD, medical director of the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program, tells Health. But your metabolism is responsible for more than just burning fat—it helps with breathing, circulating blood, controlling body temperature, and digesting food, among other things, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. The number of calories you need to perform those basic functions is called your resting metabolic rate (RMR), and it can impact everything from your waist circ
  How to make a good Choice Having a life without choices is not good  for anyone. A life without choices means  someone else makes decisions about how  you spend your time each day, like what  you do and when you do it. Each person  has the right to make decisions and have  choices about how they live their life.  Each person has different ideas about  what is important and what makes them  feel best.  Making your own choices about the things  you do is very important because it gives  your life meaning. The choices we are  talking about are picking things you like  best, for example:  • going places in the community,  • a good job,  • being with friends,  • feeling safe, and  • having good food to eat that is healthy.  Making choices about what is important  to you helps you be more independent  and in charge of your life.  Learning to make your own choices can  be hard if you have not had a chance to  be in charge before. Sometimes when  people begin to make choices, staff and  fami