
Showing posts from July 17, 2022

What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Avocado Every Day

What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Avocado Every Day Can an avocado a day keep your health at bay? What does the research have to say? Native to the warmer regions of Mexico and Central America, avocados–originally referred to as aguacate or alligator pears–are fruits unlike any other. Avocados are characterized by a large central seed surrounded by a uniquely smooth and creamy green flesh that is encased by a rough outer skin. Botanically, they are actually berries! However, their nutritional profile does not reflect that of a berry. These exceptional fruits contain the highest amount of fat, calories and protein of any fruit. They also boast a fair share of fiber, potassium, magnesium, B vitamins (such as folate), vitamin E and carotenoids, among others. It's no wonder avocado consumption has increased dramatically worldwide. Not only are they packed full of nutrients, but the buttery, slightly nutty flavor is hard to resist. However, their high caloric and fat content

Breastfeeding Mothers, 6 Tips To Increase Your Breast Milk Supply

Breastfeeding Mothers, 6 Tips To   Increase Your Breast Milk Supply Learn from my experience, how you can increase your breast milk supply to meet your baby’s demand and make sure she is well fed. And yes, you can actually increase your breast milk supply in one day! Read to the end, there is a special gift waiting for you! 1. Rest, please! I know everyone and their mother says this, especially to you as a first-time mum, but It goes without saying that stress was a major reason why my milk supply was low in the first place. I was tired, stressed, and still went on trying to do everything myself! Please rest whenever you can, demand help with the baby if it’s not being offered, delegate, and learn to overlook when the house is untidy lol! Your body needs a break to produce sustenance for your little one! 2. Offer both sides. This is a no brainer for me, I realized that by offering my little one both sides during each feed, they were both forced to produce more milk a

The Distinction Between BurnOut And Depression.

The Distinction Between BurnOut And Depression. WHAT IS BURNOUT? Burnout’ is a term that people are becoming increasingly aware of. Many of the symptoms of burnout can be similar to those of depression and vice versa. Some people experience one but not the other, some find that one leads to the other and others experience both at the same time. It can be difficult to differentiate between the two. HOW COMMON IS BURNOUT? Though burnout can apply to different areas of life, it’s most commonly spoken about in terms of work, so most statistics focus on work-related stress and burnout. A 2020 survey revealed that around 22% of UK adults have experienced job-related burnout . In fact, in August 2020, over 27,000 people worldwide searched the term ‘burnout symptoms’. Google searches relating to burnout terms have increased over the last few years. However, whether burnout is more common, or whether more people are researching it because it’s a term that’s increasingly well-known,

Being an Introvert Doesn't Make You a Bad Leader. In Fact, It Just Might Be Your Secret Weapon.

Being an Introvert Doesn't Make You a Bad Leader. In Fact, It Just Might Be Your Secret Weapon. Hollywood has been having a field day bringing us the incredible stories of startups turned juggernauts with shows on Uber, WeWork and Theranos entertaining us from afar. Oftentimes, these rise and demise stories are centered around larger-than-life egotistical leaders who are depicted as overly ambitious, very vocal and fueled by achieving company growth — whatever the cost. We have peddled this idea that leaders need to be extroverted, outgoing "people persons." We see this image over and over again of these exuberant, out-there leadership figures, and it leaves you feeling like it's simply not a role fit for introverts. But that couldn't be more wrong. After watching my fair share of documentaries, mini-series and Netflix movies on the type of awe-inspiring or "we are going to change the world" leader trope who asks teams to "move fast and break t

What you Should Know about Cancer Today.

Cancer cells make unique form of collagen, protecting them from immune response Findings suggest cancer-specific collagen may be highly specific therapeutic target Date:July 21, 2022Source:University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer CenterSummary:Cancer cells produce small amounts of their own form of collagen, creating a unique extracellular matrix that affects the tumor microbiome and protects against immune responses. This abnormal collagen structure is fundamentally different from normal collagen made in the human body, providing a highly specific target for therapeutic strategies. Cancer cells produce small amounts of their own form of collagen, creating a unique extracellular matrix that affects the tumor microbiome and protects against immune responses, according to a new study by researchers at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. This abnormal collagen structure is fundamentally different from normal collagen made in the human body, providing a highly specifi

5 ways reading benefits your health — and how to make reading a daily habit

5 ways reading benefits your health — and how to make reading a daily habit 1. Reading strengthens connections in your brain   Reading facilitates new connections between different parts of the brain. A small 2013 study found that reading a novel increased communication between parts of the brain that control language processing. It also created long term changes in the bilateral somatosensory cortex, the part of the brain that processes sensory information.  Sabrina Romanoff, PsyD, a clinical psychologist in New York City, says reading creates neurons in the brain, a process known as neurogenesis. Neurons are cells that send messages and transmit information between different areas in the brain.  "Reading material that requires thought, consideration, and effort to metabolize what's being described leads to the creation of new neurons in your brain," Romanoff says. "These neurons also increase new neuronal connections, both with each other and older networks

8 Steps On How To Build A Sustainable Wealth

8 Steps On How To Build A  Sustainable Wealth. There’s no shortage of get-rich-quick schemes, from the latest crypto memecoin to flipping penny stocks. Don’t be fooled by their promises of easy wealth—schemes hide giant risks and the vast majority of investors end up losing money. Instead, spend your time learning how to build wealth, which requires you to make an investing plan and adopt a long-term mindset. Follow these eight simple steps to get started building sustainable wealth. 1.  Start by Making a Plan Building wealth starts with making a financial plan. That means taking the time to identify your goals and game out how you can accomplish them. “Building wealth begins with a vision and a plan,” says Peter Cassciotta, owner of Asset Management and Advisory Services of Lee County. Hiring a financial advisor is a great way to begin making your plan for building wealth. It’s a more expensive option, particularly for those who are just starting out, but choosing an advis

10 Simple Ways To Regain Good Health

10 Simple Ways To Regain Good Health. Today I’m going to provide you with 10 simple ways to regain good health. Are you ready to regain good Health and make it a priority? Maybe you’ve been thinking about being more active and trying to cut back on less healthy foods? It seems everybody spends time turning to the Internet to search for a diverse range of health-related subjects. In the main you’re looking for answers of how to overcome illness and generally seeking answers to enable you to regain good health. I recently saw a statistic which said 80 percent of Internet users have searched for a health-related topic online. Who hasn’t searched online for information about a specific disease or medical problem? I have, and I guess you have too. What do we look for? Again statistics show that people research particular medical treatment or procedures; diet, nutrition, exercise and  fitness information; prescription or over-the-counter drugs or alternative treatments. Much tim

27 Comments Of Shared Experience Youre In A Good And Healthy Relationship.

27 Comments Of Shared Experience Youre In A Good And Healthy Relationship. Here are the the 27 comments of people who experienced good signs of right relationship. Read to the Need. Devon says And to answer your question, I love to be around people who are comfortable being who they are regardless of how different they are from others in the crowd; people who are effective communicators, who are positive and encouraging. In relationships, I look for integrity, loyalty, honesty, and consistency. These are the things the “right relationships” are made of. And they all take a little work for two willing people to create and nurture. Here’s one of my favorite quotes from your older 1,000 Little Things book that I think best sums up my feelings about healthy relationships: “All successful relationships require some work. They don’t just happen, or maintain themselves. They exist and thrive when the parties involved take the risk of sharing what it is that’s going on in their mi