
Showing posts from August 28, 2022

What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Avocado Every Day

What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Avocado Every Day Can an avocado a day keep your health at bay? What does the research have to say? Native to the warmer regions of Mexico and Central America, avocados–originally referred to as aguacate or alligator pears–are fruits unlike any other. Avocados are characterized by a large central seed surrounded by a uniquely smooth and creamy green flesh that is encased by a rough outer skin. Botanically, they are actually berries! However, their nutritional profile does not reflect that of a berry. These exceptional fruits contain the highest amount of fat, calories and protein of any fruit. They also boast a fair share of fiber, potassium, magnesium, B vitamins (such as folate), vitamin E and carotenoids, among others. It's no wonder avocado consumption has increased dramatically worldwide. Not only are they packed full of nutrients, but the buttery, slightly nutty flavor is hard to resist. However, their high caloric and fat content

4 Inspiring Health Stories That Made The World Seem A Little Less Terrible

4 Inspiring Health Stories That Made The World Seem A Little Less Terrible Certain stories made us feel pretty good this year. Some stories were about children or adults who overcame cancer or physical or mental illness, who are now living their best life despite these challenges. Others were about people who had a birth or breastfeeding experience that we found pretty inspiring. The world is a difficult place to be in sometimes. These were some inspiring stories of people who faced health problems or challenges, had a cool life experience, or underwent groundbreaking surgery, which made us feel a little bit better about being in this world. 1. Batkid was declared cancer-free. Miles Scott stole everyone's heart as a 5-year-old leukemia patient who took over San Francisco in 2013 as Batkid after he told the Make-A-Wish Foundation that he wanted to be Batman. People crowded the streets to cheer him on after San Francisco was turned into Gotham for a day with the help of late mayor

Why Am I Coughing Up Blood?

Why Am I Coughing Up Blood? Some common causes of coughing up blood are respiratory infections, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). If you’re coughing up a significant amount of blood, seek emergency help. Seeing blood when you cough can be alarming, whether it’s a large or small amount. Coughing up blood is often a symptom of a disease. The seriousness of the condition often depends on how much blood a person is coughing up and how frequently they are doing so. The blood you cough up may come from your: • nose • throat • upper airways • lungs The medical term for coughing up blood is hemoptysis. When to call a doctor or go to a hospital It’s important to contact your doctor anytime you cough up blood, as it may be a signTrusted Source of a serious respiratory condition. Get immediate help if: you begin coughing up blood following a fall or injury to the chest you cough up more than a few teaspoons of blood ther

PROTECT: Skin Exposures and Effects

Skin Exposures and Effects Abstract Some chemicals can enter the body through the skin and injure individual organs or groups of organs. Absorbing workplace chemicals through the skin can cause diseases and disorders that include occupational skin diseases. Most efforts to address chemical hazards have focused on breathing chemicals in rather than absorbing through skin. Because of this, researchers have developed many ways to assess the effects of chemicals that workers inhale. However, there are fewer methods to assess skin exposures. Occupational skin diseases are one of the most common types of workplace diseases. They can take different forms, such as: Rash (contact dermatitis) caused by skin irritation Rash caused by skin allergies Skin cancers Skin infections Skin injuries Other skin diseases Occupations at Risk Workers in multiple industries and sectors may face risks of absorbing chemicals through their skin. Dermal Absorption Dermal absorption happens when a chemical goes th